校历 (School Calendar)

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学校2024年夏令营将于6月24日-8月16日在樱桃山华人基督教会举办。同步进行的还有SAT英文、College Essay和数学辅导,SAT由刁国安老师和Anna Moss老师任教。我们会继续优化、增添孩子们喜爱的各类课程和活动,设置文化知识、学术专项、兴趣才艺、社交技能与领导力全面培养的课程体系,让您的孩子暑期生活得到最大的收益,您可以点击夏令营广告二维码报名并看夏令营介绍。夏令营和SAT课程介绍:









   1. 选举委员会成员应是中文学校教师,成人学生,或未成年人学生家长。

   2. 选举委员会共5位成员,如果报名人数超出名额,则抽签决定。

   3. 如果您有意参加选举委员会,请于2024年3月22日11:59pm之前填写并提交下表。鼓励大家踊跃参加以增加代表的多样性和广泛性。

   4. 选举委员会报名链接:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4O54FnJUsavkCJgQNgHSzQKgQGOSfaHTnFBAOs84kl_sblA/viewform?usp=sf_link

   5. 董事选举投票日期和流程安排,将由选举委员会决定后公布。





1月19日紧急通知:收到学区通知,受下雪天气影响,本周六1月20日Beck School将关闭。学校决定·1月20日的课程将转成网课。请关注各位老师发的Zoom链接,做好上课准备,准时进入课堂。谢谢大家的配合。

URGENT: The school district has announced that due to increment weather, Beck School will be closed on 1/20. All classes on 1/20 will be conducted online. Please be on the look out for Zoom class links from your teachers, and be prepared to join the online session.  Thank you for your understanding.

23-24学年开学日:9月16日 1:15PM。

23-24 school year starts at 1:15PM on Saturday, September 16th. 

The address is Hency C Beck Middle School, 950 Cropwell Road, Cherry Hill, 08003.

1.大家好!9月16日是学校开学日。欢迎各位新老朋友走进樱桃山华夏中文学校大家庭,希望家长和同学们都能选到自己喜欢的课程,新学年有新的收获!学校1:00pm开门。请认真阅读开学日指南:Hello everyone! September 16th is the school's opening day. Welcome all new and returning friends. We hope that parents and students may choose the courses they like and the new school year will bring new achievements! The school doors will open at 1:00 p.m. Please carefully read the opening day guide:


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HJAHsnxs2NI7dRIkkYaFlCslNpGW7DMz/view?usp=sharing(Opening Day guide)

2.请认真遵守停车规则和教学楼秩序,不要进入空置的教室,家长可以在Gym和Cafeteria休息,等候。也可以在教室里做志愿者为老师提供帮助。请保持楼道和教室的整洁,谢谢配合,明天见!Please adhere to the parking rules and maintain order in the school buildings. Do not enter empty classrooms. Parents can wait in the Gym and Cafeteria. You are also welcome to volunteer in the classrooms to assist the teachers. Please keep the hallways and classrooms clean. Thank you for your cooperation, and see you tomorrow! 

夏令营 及 暑期 SAT 课程介绍

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S8PbuT51o_FQCVOtzNBCh0eGVZETxEV5/view?usp=sharing  (夏令营、SAT课程介绍 summer camp/SAT introduction)

https://forms.gle/kuYyHkXMydVppjdT6(夏令营报名 summer camp registration)

https://forms.gle/1rQbob9SS8wBuCb49(SAT报名 SAT registration)

https://forms.gle/SEexj2Huuc7WaEaq7 (夏令营义工、教职申请表 Summer volunteer and teaching job application)


祝贺樱桃山华夏中文学校2023兔年春节联欢会于 2月12日 在 Harrington Middle School 成功举办。这是疫情三年以来,学校举办的首次实体春晚。学区教育委员会主席Miriam Stern,樱桃山市长 Susan Shin Angulo 到场祝贺并致辞;白向利老师和张婷老师代表学校向来宾们介绍了学校的概况和发展;Angulo市长向学校赠送了市政府颁发的中文学校社区庆祝中国新年活动的公告。经过几个星期的排练和筹备,同学、老师和志愿者们为晚会献上了一台精彩纷呈的文艺演出。师生、家长和各界朋友约5百人参加了联欢会。衷心感谢所有老师、家长、志愿者和同学们的辛勤工作,衷心感谢所有为中文学校捐赠和赞助的朋友和商家。

Congratulations to Cherry Hill Huaxia Chinese School for successfully hosting the 2023 Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival Gala at Harrington Middle School on February 12. 

This is the first in-person Spring Festival Gala held by the school since the pandemic began three years ago. Miriam Stern, President of the Cherry Hill School District's Board of Education, and Susan Shin Angulo, Mayor of Cherry Hill, were present to congratulate and deliver speeches; Acting Principal Xiangli Bai and Board Member Ting Zhang provided an overview of the school to the guests. A proclamation was presented by Mayor Angulo to recognize the Cherry Hill Huaxia Chinese school's Lunar New Year celebration. After several weeks of rehearsals and preparations, students, teachers and volunteers presented a wonderful theatrical performance for the audience.  About 500 people attended the gala. Our sincere thanks go out to all the teachers, parents, volunteers, students for your hard work,  and friends and businesses who have contributed and sponsored Cherry Hill Huaxia Chinese school.


Camp Consent and Medical Permission Forms-2022a-Template.pdf

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Web: www.chhcs.org E-MAIL: contact@chhcs.org Tel: 856-298-1698 Mail: P.O. Box 1322, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 -0601

Location: 950 Cropwell Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003