简介 Our Mission
成立于2003年6月,樱桃山华夏中文学校是华夏中文学校大家庭中光荣的一员。位于新泽西州南部的樱桃山市,我们借用 Beck Middle School作为校址开展了多年的中文普及教育和华裔社区中心的建设。学校的宗旨是传播中华文化, 提供学习中文的场所。同时我们也举办各种文化班,组织各种少儿和成人的文体活动,以及组织各种活动让社会各界了解中国文化和传统的宣传活动。我们的招生对象是出生在美国的华裔儿童,从中国大陆,港澳台,以及其他国家新移民的华裔儿童,以及任何愿意学习中文,了解中华文化和传统的儿童和成人。
Cherry Hill Huaxia Chinese School is a not-for-profit organization established in June 2003 and hosted at Beck Middle School in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Our mission is to provide a community school that offers Chinese language (Mandarin), cultural oriented as well as talent classes to those who are ABC (American-Born Chinese) kids, families with children from China, new immigrants, and anyone who wants to learn Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) and/or understand Chinese culture and history.
In Chinese language courses, we use multiple sets of text books and teach students based on their ability and age. We adopt Dr. Liping Ma's "Direct Character Recognition" and her textbooks along with its supplemental CD and other materials for lower grade students, use Jinan textbooks for higher grades and use Langlang textbooks for CSL students. The Direct Character Recognition has been proved as the most successful and effective way to learn Chinese nationwide. Dr. Ma’s curriculum emphasizes all four-language skills from the entry to advanced levels: listening, speaking, reading and writing. We teach the "modern" or simplified Chinese characters and introduce the Chinese phonetic system (Pinyin) as a tool at the appropriate stage. For more details, references the website at https://www.mlpchinese.com/
Our cultural and talent classes are designed for fostering an environment for children’s cognition, art skills, characteristics and leadership developments. These courses include Painting and Drawing, Martial Art, Folk Dancing, Music and Instruments, Crafts, Go Chess, Chinese Chess, Speech and Sport activities. All language teachers recruited by our school are experienced educators. Likewise, our cultural and talent instructors are professionals include world-class level and/or renowned artists. We do all this so that students can develop their language but also fulfill their love in culture, art, music and sports.
Cherry Hill Huaxia Chinese School is registered in the New Jersey State as a not-for-profit organization. Our school is established and run by the parents and/or guardians. Therefore, we invite and encourage more volunteers to join us working together to make the school better. The school is open to the public, regardless of their race, color, gender, nationality and ethnic origin.
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Web: www.chhcs.org E-MAIL: contact@chhcs.org Tel: 856-298-1698 Mail: P.O. Box 1322, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 -0601
Location: 950 Cropwell Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003